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Atlas Device SDKs

Connect to Atlas App Services - Kotlin SDK

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Initialize the App Client
  • Default App Client
  • Configured App Client
  • Configure the App Client
  • Share Sync Connections
  • Configure Sync Timeouts
  • Encrypt App Metadata
  • Set Custom HTTP Headers
  • Enable Platform Networking
  • Connect to a Specific Server
  • Connect to a Different Server During Runtime
  • Close the App Client

This page describes how to initialize your App client and connect to the Atlas App Services backend using the Kotlin SDK.

The App client is the client-side interface to the App Services backend. It lets you interact with your App Services App and provides access to App Services functionality, including:

Each App client is associated with a single App ID. To learn how to find your App ID in the App Services UI, refer to Find Your App ID in the App Services documentation.

Before you can connect to Atlas App Services, you need an App Services App with an App ID.

To get started, refer to Create an App in the App Services documentation.

The Kotlin SDK uses the App interface to access an App client.

Each App client is associated with a single App ID. You can have multiple App client instances that connect to multiple Apps, but all App client instances that share the same App ID use the same underlying connection.

You can initialize an App client by calling one of the following methods:

  • .create(): initializes an App with default configuration values

  • .build(): initializes an App with custom configuration values passed through an AppConfiguration object

Once you initialize the App, you can use the App instance to access App Services functionality.

To initialize an App with default configuration values, pass the App ID for your App Services App to the App.create() method:

// Creates an App with default configuration values
val app = App.create(YOUR_APP_ID) // Replace with your App ID

The AppConfiguration interface lets you configure your App client with optional arguments for more granular control of your app connection details, such as custom request headers and keys for local encryption.

To control the configuration options, use the AppConfiguration.Builder and call the .build() method to pass a configuration object:

// Creates an App with custom configuration values
// Specify your custom configuration values

Changed in version 1.14.0: baseUrl is not cached in the AppConfiguration

When you initialize the App client, the configuration is cached internally.

Attempting to close and then re-open an App with a changed configuration within the same process has no effect. The client continues to use the cached configuration.

Starting with Kotlin SDK version 1.14.0, the baseUrl() is no longer cached in the AppConfiguration. This means that you can change the baseUrl, and the App client will use the updated configuration. In earlier SDK versions, changes to the baseUrl in a cached App configuration have no effect.

The following sections describe how to build the AppConfiguration client with specific properties.


Applies to Atlas Device Sync

This configuration option only applies to apps using Atlas Device Sync. For more information on using Device Sync with the Kotlin SDK, refer to Add Device Sync to an App - Kotlin SDK.

New in version 1.13.0.

By default, the SDK opens a separate connection to the server for each synced realm. In Kotlin v1.13.0 and later, you can enable session multiplexing. When enabled, the SDK shares a connection to the server for all synced realms opened with a single App Services user. Sharing a connection across multiple sessions reduces resources and can improve performance.

Multiplexing is disabled by default. You can enable it on the AppConfiguration using the .enableSessionMultiplexing() method, which accepts a Boolean value.

val config = AppConfiguration.Builder(YOUR_APP_ID)

When enabled, the shared connection does not immediately close when all sessions are closed. Instead, it remains open for the connectionLingerTime, which defaults to 30 seconds. You can override this duration by passing a new value to SyncTimeoutOptions.connectionLingerTime() on the AppConfiguration.

val configCustomLingerTime = AppConfiguration.Builder(YOUR_APP_ID)
.syncTimeouts {
connectionLingerTime = 10.seconds // Overrides default 30 secs

For more information, refer to the Configure Sync Timeouts section on this page.


Applies to Atlas Device Sync

This configuration option only applies to apps using Atlas Device Sync. For more information on using Device Sync with the Kotlin SDK, refer to Add Device Sync to an App - Kotlin SDK.

New in version 1.13.0.

In Kotlin v1.13.0 and later, you can override the default timeout settings used when syncing data between the Atlas backend and the client app.

You can set various sync timeout settings on the AppConfiguration using the .syncTimeouts() method. Pass specific timeout property values you want to override. The configured timeouts apply to all sync sessions in the app.

val config = AppConfiguration.Builder(YOUR_APP_ID)
.syncTimeouts {
connectTimeout = 1.minutes
connectionLingerTime = 15.seconds
pingKeepalivePeriod = 30.seconds
pongKeepalivePeriod = 1.minutes
fastReconnectLimit = 30.seconds

For a complete list of the available timeout properties and their definitions, refer to the SyncTimeoutOptionsBuilder API reference.

When you connect to App Services, Realm creates additional metadata files on a device. For more information about these metadata files, refer to Atlas Device SDK for Kotlin.

You can encrypt the metadata that App Services stores on client devices, similar to how you Encrypt a Synced Realm.

To encrypt App metadata, pass your encryption key to the encryptionKey property when you initialize the App:

val config =
// Specify the encryption key

New in version 1.11.0.

If you use App Services or Device Sync with a proxy setup, you may need to set custom HTTP headers. The Kotlin SDK supports setting custom HTTP headers on the App. These headers are appended to every request to the App Services App, including function calls.

When you initialize the App, you can pass:

.customRequestHeaders { put("X-MyApp-Version", "1.0.0") }

New in version 1.14.0.

Atlas Device SDK's platform networking lets you use your platform's networking stack instead of the default WebSocket client for Device Sync traffic.

When enabled, you can configure applications running on Android and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) platforms to use managed WebSockets over OkHttp. Managed WebSockets provide advanced configuration support for proxies and firewalls that require authentication.

Platform networking is disabled by default. You can enable it on the AppConfiguration using the AppConfiguration.usePlatformNetworking() method, which accepts a Boolean value.

val config =


Android and JVM platforms only

This feature is currently only available on Android and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) platforms.

By default, Atlas Device SDK connects to Atlas using the global baseUrl of In some cases, you may want to connect to a different server:

  • Your App Services App uses local deployment, and you want to connect directly to a local baseUrl in your region. For more information, refer to the Local Deployment App Services documentation.

  • You want to connect to an Edge Server instance. For more information, refer to the Connect to the Edge Server from Atlas Device SDK App Services documentation.

You can specify a baseUrl in the AppConfiguration:

// Specify a baseUrl to connect to instead of the default
val config = AppConfiguration.Builder(YOUR_APP_ID)

New in version 1.16.0.

In some cases, you might want to change the baseUrl while the app is running. For example, you might want to roam between Edge Servers or move from an App Services connection to an Edge Server connection.

To change the baseUrl during runtime, call the experimental app.updateBaseUrl method. You can pass null to reset the baseUrl to the default value.

// Specify a custom baseUrl to connect to.
// In this case, an Edge Server instance running on the device:
val config = AppConfiguration.Builder(EDGE_SERVER_APP_ID)
val app = App.create(config)
// ... log in a user and use the app ...
// Later, change the baseUrl.
// In this case, pass `null` to reset to default:

This API is experimental and requires the @ExperimentalEdgeServerApi annotation:

// Opt in to the experimental Edge Server API

If you change the baseUrl after you have logged in a user and have opened a synced database, the app must perform a client reset. For more information, refer to Handle Client Reset Errors.

Perform the following in your code:

  1. Pause the Sync session

  2. Update the baseUrl using the app.updateBaseUrl method

  3. Re-authenticate the user to log in using the new baseUrl

  4. Open a synced database pulling data from the new server

Both the server and the client must be online for the user to authenticate and connect to the new server. If the server is not online or the client does not have a network connection, the user cannot authenticate and open the database.

You can manually close an App instance and release all underlying resources using the App.close() method:


If not closed manually, resources are freed when the App instance is garbage collected.
